Friday, May 11, 2007


All in all I found this project very interesting and beneficial. Global warming is a very serious issue and it should be recognized worldwide. Everyone should be educated on this and hopefully this will lead to some changes round the world. As always it is us humans who are the center of this. We are the ones that are destroying the world and no one else is to blame. The population is getting bigger and the world is is getting smaller. This doesnt look too good, we as a human race need to stop global warming. The world is a beautiful place and it should be respected. Mother nature should be protected by all costs. Governments need to take action and a law should be put down i beleive this is the only way. The blogging bit was quite tricky and only now I'm realizing what it's all about, I looked at it in a different way and to my disapointment was the wrong way. I saved all my work and posted all my work at once and this should of have been done bit by bit. NowI know, hopefully I wont make the mistake again.

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Fast Facts

There is little doubt that the planet is warming. Over the last century the average temperature has climbed about 1 degree Fahrenheit (0.6 of a degree Celsius) around the world.